Body Contouring

Weight Loss

Being overweight can bring about several problems, both emotional and physical and trying to lose it alone is not going to work.


CryoSculpting/Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment designed to remove excess body fat in targeted areas that do not respond to diet and exercise

Inch Loss

Everyone’s body shape differs but the goal remains the same.

Skin Tightening Treatment

Everyone wants firmer and more youthful skin, whether it is on the face or on the body.

Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite is a condition when the fat beneath the skin pushes against the connective tissue causing the skin to appear lumpy,dimpled and puckered.

Fat Dissolving Injection

A new and exciting procedure that permanently removes small localised fat deposits.

Non Surgical Mommy Makeover

Mommy makeover is today’s most popular treatment, designed specially for common issuses faced by a women after Pregnancy or Breast Feeding.